Definition of function
function is a relationship between two quantities, one of
which is completely determined by the value of the other. A function f from a
set X to a set Y is a relation between the elements of X (called the inputs)
and the elements of Y (called the outputs) with the property that each input is
related to one and only one output. We use the notation
f : X → Y
Concept of Boolean
An expression that is form with binary variables. It can be
represented as an algebraic expression or in truth table.
o one-to-one
o f is called injective when the a =
o can express in quantifier
o onto
o f is called surjective when there is
a function from element A to element B
o one-to-one correspondence
o f becomes function when no value
in the domain are signed to the same
function value
o no repeatation of domain
Inverse function and composition of function
Inverse function
Definition :-
¨ Let f be one-to-one correspondence from the set A to the set B
¨ f is the function that assign to be an element b belonging to B the unique element a in A such that f (a) = b
¨ Function of f is denoted by f ˉ ¹ then f ˉ ¹( b) = a when f (a) = b
Composition function
¨ Let g be a function from the set A to the set B and let f be a function from the set B to the set C
¨ Function f and g, denoted for all a Î A by f ° g is defined by
( f ° g )(a) = f( g(a) )
f ° g is defined by ( f ° g )(a) = f ( g(a)) = f (b) = 2
( f ° g )(b) = f ( g(b)) = f(c) =1 and ( f ° g )(c) = f ( g(c)) = f(a) =3
Noted that:-
f ° g is not defined because the range of f is not a subset of domain of g
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